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Effective communication with older people

Last Reviewed: 18/10/2022

Who is this resource for?

Explains what the component is for

This resource is aimed at nurses and nursing support workers across all settings and levels of practice, including students of health, social work and care professions.

Why you should read this article

to understand the specific needs of older people in relation to communication

to explore how your values and beliefs may affect communication with older people

to understand the changes associated with ageing that can affect communication

to be aware of the influence of ageism on communication with older people

to learn how communication with older people can be developed positively in practice.


Kirsten Jack

Reader - Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England

Caroline Ridley

Senior lecturer - Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England

Samuel Turner

Nursing student - Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England

The RCN delivers quality-assured and up-to-date resources for the nursing workforce. Reviewed annually, RCN Learn resources meet the RCN Nine Quality Standards.

The RCN delivers quality-assured and up-to-date resources for the nursing workforce. Reviewed annually, RCN Learn resources meet the RCN Nine Quality Standards.