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Helping people live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Last Reviewed: 18/10/2022
Last Reviewed: 18/10/2022
older people living with copd


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term condition characterised by persistent respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation. It is preventable and treatable, but still results in high levels of morbidity and mortality. This affects health service costs, but more importantly it affects the person with COPD, and their relatives and carers. If healthcare services continue to focus on managing the disease process rather than the person living with the disease itself, they may continue to produce the same outcomes and fail to substantially reduce the burden of the disease. Helping people live with COPD requires clinicians to communicate effectively with people, families and carers and share multidisciplinary team decisions with patients. Clinicians must consider the physical, psychological, social and spiritual implications of the disease.

This article explores how nurses can have a positive effect on the lives of people with COPD and provides practical strategies and suggestions on giving them effective support.

Who is this resource for?

Explains what the component is for

This resource is aimed at nurses and nursing support workers across all settings and levels of practice, including students of health, social work and care professions.

Why you should read this article

to understand the burden of COPD at an individual, family and social level

to learn about the interventions that can help people live with COPD

to learn processes for addressing potential areas of physical, psychological, social and spiritual support

to understand the importance of the person with COPD and their health beliefs, ideas, concerns and expectations, and how these affect the clinician and their guideline-based model of care.


Jane Scullion

Respiratory nurse consultant - Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England; Stephen Holmes, GP, Park Medical Practice, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England


Helping people live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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Last Reviewed: 18/10/2022
Last Reviewed: 18/10/2022